Trig Review

| equations/diagrams | significant figure rules | practice |
remember that the RVGS Agenda has similar information

accuracy vs precision
significant figures
system international (SI)

Right triangles




All triangles

All-State Teachers College


Trig values

| equations/diagrams | significant figure rules | practice |

significant figures: 2 sig figs: ± 1o -- 3 sig figs: ± 0.1o -- 4 sig figs: ±0.01o

| equations/diagrams | significant figure rules | practice |

Practice (click here to print out just the practice problems)

Do at least half of the following and as many others as you need for the review (*means required problem).

Sketch and label all angles and sides (do calculations if you need to) for each of the following:
1 – 2 – √3
1 – 1 – √2

Calculate all of the other parts of the following right triangles.
*1. a = 3 b = 4

*2. c = 13 a = 5

3. b = 15 c = 17

4. a = 7 b = 24

*5. c = 20 A = 36o

Calculate all other parts of the following triangles.
*6. A = 120o b = 26 c = 15

*7. a = 17.32 c = 20.00 A = 60.00o

8. a = 3600 B = 39o C = 82o

*9. a = 12 b = 18 c = 24

What is a Pythagorean triplett?

last modified 5-30-10